5 Niche Marketing Myths You Need To Know About For Beginners

5 Niche Marketing Myths You Need To Know About For Beginners

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Niche Marketing Myths You Need To Know About For Beginners

Over the years there has been a lot of negativity around niche marketing. A lot of online marketers have tried to do it and failed and a number of myths have emerged. You need to know about these niche marketing myths and why they are not true.

1. You can Make Money Fast and Easy with Niche Marketing

You may have seen products around niche marketing sold on the premise that is is a fast and easy way to make money online. This is not true. There are many different ways to make money on the Internet and some are faster than others and some are easier. If niche marketing was so fast and easy then everyone would be successful with it wouldn’t they?

Never go into niche marketing expecting to make a fortune overnight. It’s not going to happen. It takes time and effort to choose the right niche. OK setting up a WordPress website is fairly quick and simple but then you have to populate it with high quality content and drive targeted traffic.

2. There are no Profitable Niches because they are all Saturated

You will probably see this myth about niche marketing more than any other. Even the most experienced online marketers believe this. It is not true and a niche can never be saturated. It just doesn’t make sense.

Yes some niches are very competitive but that doesn’t mean that they are saturated. Competition is a good thing as it shows that there is demand and people will spend money in the niche.

3. The only Profitable Niche is Make Money Online

This niche marketing myth is a bit more believable but still untrue. Yes you can make a profit in the make money online niche but you can make great profits in other niches too. In fact it is often easier to profit in other niches than it is in MMO.

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There are many examples of people making great profits in niches such as parenting, wedding advice, relationship advice, health and fitness, finance, babies and children, finding jobs and resumes and many more. Just take a look on Flippa.com to see websites in many different niches selling well.

4. Expertise is required to succeed in a Niche

This is another popular myth about niche marketing. You have to be an expert to make money. This is definitely not true. Nobody knows everything about a niche and there is definitely scope for you to become knowledgeable in a niche fairly quickly.

It’s as easy as knowing a bit more than your target audience. This happens in conventional offline business every day and it works online too. The fact is that if you study a niche for a few hours then you are going to know more about it than most people do.

5. You need Technical Skills to succeed with Niche Marketing

This is absolutely ridiculous but something that pops up fairly often. A few years ago there would be some truth to this but these days everything is so easy and you don’t need any technical skills to succeed with niche marketing.

You can purchase a domain name and hosting and then install WordPress with one click of your mouse. If you want to modify your theme and don’t know any HTML or CSS then just find someone to do it on Fiverr.com for a few bucks.

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